Which Champion is Better Against Teemo in League of Legends: Yorick or Malphite?

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League of Legends is a strategic multiplayer online battle arena game where players control unique champions with powerful abilities, engaging in intense team-based battles to destroy the enemy Nexus.

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games. Set in the diverse and fantastical world of Runeterra, players assume the role of summoners, controlling champions with unique abilities to battle against an opposing team. The main objective is to destroy the enemy Nexus, located in their base, which is defended by turrets and inhibitors.

Champion Spotlight: Teemo
Teemo, the Swift Scout, is typically played in the top lane or as a niche pick in the mid-lane or jungle. Known for his annoying playstyle and the ability to control the map with his Noxious Trap (R), Teemo excels at harassment and map control.When you embark on your journey,mmowow itemscan lend a helping hand when you need help.

Yorick: The Shepherd of Souls
Abilities and Skill Sequence
Last Rites / Awakening (Q): Yorick's next attack deals bonus damage and heals him. If an enemy dies, it spawns a grave.
Dark Procession (W): Summons a destructible wall of spirits to trap enemies.
Mourning Mist (E): Throws a globule of Black Mist that damages slows, and marks enemies.
Eulogy of the Isles (R): Summons the Maiden of the Mist and several Mist Walkers to fight alongside Yorick.
Skill Sequence
Max Q first for enhanced damage and healing.
Max E second to improve harass and mist walker damage.
Max W last for utility.
Level R whenever available.

Runes and Builds
Precision: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand
Resolve: Demolish, Second Wind
Reasoning: Conqueror provides sustained damage and healing. Triumph and Last Stand enhance survivability and kill potential, while Demolish and Second Wind improve laning and tower-taking ability.
Trinity Force, Steraks Gage, Spirit Visage, Deaths Dance, Thornmail, Guardian Angel
Reasoning: Trinity Force offers a balance of damage, health, and utility. Steraks Gage and Spirit Visage enhance survivability. Deaths Dance and Thornmail provide additional damage and durability. Guardian Angel offers a second life in critical moments.
Malphite: The Shard of the Monolith

Abilities and Skill Sequence
Seismic Shard (Q): Hurls a shard at the target, dealing damage and stealing their movement speed.
Thunderclap (W): Empowers his next auto attack and gives him a temporary buff.
Ground Slam (E): Slams the ground, dealing damage and reducing the attack speed of enemies.
Unstoppable Force (R): Launches himself to a location, dealing damage and knocking up enemies.

Skill Sequence
Max Q first for poke and slow.
Max E second for damage and attack speed reduction.
Max W last for additional damage.
Level R whenever possible.
Runes and Builds
Resolve: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth
Inspiration: Biscuit Delivery, Time Warp Tonic
Reasoning: Grasp of the Undying enhances sustain and poke. Demolish helps with tower pressure. Conditioning and Overgrowth scale defensively. Biscuit Delivery and Time Warp Tonic provide early sustain and lane presence.
Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Randuins Omen, Abyssal Mask, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Ninja Tabi
Reasoning: Sunfire Aegis offers tackiness and damage. Thornmail and Randuins counter physical damage dealers. Abyssal Mask synergizes with magic damage teammates, and Gargoyle Stoneplate provides immense durability. Ninja Tabi reduces physical damage taken.

Gameplay Strategies
Early Game

Objective: Dominate the lane with sustain and pressure.
Harass with Last Rites (Q) and Mourning Mist (E). Use Dark Procession (W) to trap and kill targets.
Farm efficiently to gather Mist Walkers and graves for stronger pushes.
Maintain good vision to avoid ganks.

Objective: Farm safely and poke the enemy laner.
Use Seismic Shard (Q) to poke and Thunderclap (W) for last-hitting under turret.
Harass with Ground Slam (E) when enemies are in range.
Prioritize survivability and farm to reach your power spikes.
Mid Game

Objective: Split push and draw enemy attention.
Summon the Maiden of the Mist (R) to assist in pushing lanes.
Use Dark Procession (W) defensively to escape or trap pursuing enemies.
Coordinate with your team for objectives while maintaining pressure on side lanes.

Objective: Initiate team fights and provide crowd control.
Look for opportunities to use Unstoppable Force (R) on multiple enemies.
Stay with your team and be the front line in skirmishes.
Use Seismic Shard (Q) to slow and zone enemies.
Late Game

Objective: Continue split pushing while being a threat in team fights.
Push lanes aggressively with your minions and Maiden.
Join team fights with teleport or strategic movement, focusing on using Dark Procession (W) and Mourning Mist (E) to disrupt the enemy.
Use your tackiness and sustain to outlast enemies in extended fights.

Objective: Be the primary initiator and disruptor in team fights.
Engage with Unstoppable Force (R), followed by Ground Slam (E) to reduce enemy attack speed.
Use Seismic Shard (Q) to chase down or escape from enemies.
Stay with your carries to peel and protect them with your abilities.

Team Composition and Synergy

Engage Composition: Works well with champions who can follow up on his traps, like Yasuo or Orianna.
Split Push Composition: Synergizes with teams that can hold 4v4 while he splits, such as Shen or Twisted Fate.
Reasoning: Yoricks ability to pressure lanes and summon minions makes him ideal for split push strategies.

Engage Composition: Fits well with heavy engage champions like Amumu or Leona for wombo-combo potential.
Peel Composition: Works well with backline carries that need protection, such as Jinx or Kog'Maw.
Reasoning: Malphites strong initiation and crowd control make him perfect for engage-heavy team compositions.

Laning Against Teemo: Strategies for Yorick and Malphite
Early Game Strategies

Objective: Survive the lane and farm efficiently while applying pressure when possible.
Farm Safely: Use Last Rites (Q) to secure last hits and heal up. Avoid prolonged trades with Teemo due to his poison damage.
Summon Ghouls: Utilize graves from the last hits to summon Mist Walkers, applying pressure on Teemo.
Trap Teemo: Use Dark Procession (W) strategically to trap Teemo and force him to take unfavorable trades.
Vision Control: Place wards to avoid ganks, as Teemo's harassment can leave you vulnerable.

Objective: Farm safely and poke Teemo while mitigating his damage.
Farm with Q: Use Seismic Shard (Q) to secure the last hits and poke Teemo from a distance.
Passive Shield: Rely on your Granite Shield to absorb Teemos harassment. Avoid trades when your shield is down.
Play Defensively: Focus on surviving the lane rather than trying to kill Teemo. Your strength comes later in team fights.
Itemization: Consider early Magic Resist items like Spectres Cowl to reduce Teemos poke effectiveness.
Mid Game Strategies

Objective: Start split pushing to draw pressure away from your team.
Summon Maiden: Use the Eulogy of the Isles (R) to assist in pushing lanes. The Maiden and Mist Walkers can quickly take down turrets.
Pressure Side Lanes: Force Teemo to respond to your split push. Use Dark Procession (W) defensively if he tries to engage.
Join Team Fights: Use Teleport to join crucial team fights, aiming to disrupt the enemy backline with your crowd control and sustained damage.

Objective: Group with your team and look for opportunities to engage.
Roam and Assist: Use your mobility to help other lanes with ganks. A well-timed Unstoppable Force (R) can turn skirmishes in your favor.
Item Power Spike: By mid-game, you should have core items like Sunfire Aegis. Use your tackiness to initiate fights.
Teamfights: Position yourself to land Unstoppable Force (R) on key targets. Follow up with Ground Slam (E) to reduce enemy attack speeds.
Late Game Strategies

Objective: Continue split pushing while being a strong presence in team fights.
Relentless Push: Keep pressure on side lanes. Use the Eulogy of the Isles (R) and your Mist Walkers to force the enemy team to respond.
Teamfight Contribution: When team fighting, use Mourning Mist (E) to mark targets and Dark Procession (W) to control the battlefield.
Sustain and Tankiness: Leverage your high health and sustain to outlast enemies in extended fights.

Objective: Be the primary initiator and protect your teams backline.
Initiate Fights: Look for opportunities to land multi-target Unstoppable Force (R) engages. Coordinate with your team to follow up.
Peel for Carries: Use Seismic Shard (Q) and Ground Slam (E) to protect your carries from threats.
Tank and Disrupt: Absorb damage for your team and disrupt enemy carriers, ensuring they cant freely deal damage.

Teamfight Execution and Champion-Specific Tips

Engage Strategy: Use Dark Procession (W) to trap key enemies and follow up with Mourning Mist (E) to mark them for your Mist Walkers.
Split Push Pressure: Force the enemy team to respond to your split push, creating opportunities for your team to secure objectives.
Combos: Combo Dark Procession (W) with Mourning Mist (E) and Last Rites (Q) for maximum damage and control.

Initiation: Use Unstoppable Force (R) to engage multiple enemies. Follow up with Ground Slam (E) and Thunderclap (W) for maximum disruption.
Peeling: Use Seismic Shard (Q) to slow and peel for your carries.
Positioning: Ensure you are in the frontline, absorbing damage and protecting your backline.
Practical Tips for Yorick Players
Split Pushing: Yorick excels at split pushing due to his ability to summon the Maiden and Mist Walkers. Focus on creating pressure in side lanes.
Trapping Enemies: Use Dark Procession (W) to trap enemies, making it difficult for them to escape.
Sustain: Utilize Last Rites (Q) to sustain yourself in fights and lanes.

Practical Tips for Malphite Players
Timing Ulti: Use Unstoppable Force (R) at crucial moments to engage or counter-engage.
Tankiness: Build tank items to become an unkillable frontline for your team.
Positioning: Stay in front of your carries to protect them and absorb incoming damage.However, when some players explore further and become familiar with a certain hero, some players will choose to buycheapLeague of Legends skins.

Both Yorick and Malphite offer unique strengths when leaning against Teemo and in team fights. Yorick's split-push pressure and sustain make him a strong pick for players who enjoy strategic gameplay and prolonged fights. Malphite's powerful initiation and tackiness are ideal for players who prefer to be the frontline and control team fights.

Understanding each champions abilities, optimal build paths, and team fight roles is crucial for mastering them. This guide aims to provide players with the knowledge to effectively use Yorick and Malphite, ensuring they can maximize their impact and lead their teams to victory.
